Saturday, 25 January 2014

With Marker Pens? thats new to me...

I knew there was a lesson on marker pens coming up on my FACEcinating II class, so alongside my promarkers and spectrum noir's, I purchased a small set of skintone copics too.  Above is my first attempt at an entire picture done all with markers, not perfect I know but I thought not too bad for a first attempt.  The exercise which was fascinating was to do the same picture, one with markers and one with mixed media, so here is the same picture done with mixed media..
I dont think I did the background any favours here, and they say you cannot go 'too far' but I do feel maybe I did.  Never mind it was fun to do.
Still working on the mythical, today using my 'how to' book I had a go at a witch, all makers here too except the background that is watercolour..
I do think I am liking working with marker pens, shame they are so expensive to purchase though.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Never Enough Hours

Or is that just too many courses and not enough hours?  Yes, of course I am now behind in Lifebook already, but having a blast on that, and enjoying the Facebook Groups both central and our little UK group.  Also started the new FACEcinating Faces II class with Andrea Gomoll, you can find details of here Andrea's Website  This time we are to learn 3/4 and Profile faces, as you see I do still have a way to go but this is just the start of week 1, and it will probably take me two weeks to do that, it is a four week course, so lets so what I can do at the end of it.  Its great fun, and so much content, only downside I have is not enough time to spend doing it, but then I would be happy spending all day doing it.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

A Mythical Direction

I seem to have found myself of late with an attraction to drawing all things mythical, why fight it?  Above is my first attempt at a fairy using both markers and watercolour pencil, yes I do need a lot of practice but I did prefer the control on the smaller features than trying just with a paintbrush.  The fairy above was drawn with the help of the advice from the 'fairy bible' book.  Then there is the 'how to draw fairies' which I had another go at here.............
They looked a lot better in the pencil, dont think I did them so many favours with the watercolour I then added, or the collaged garden, but still looks bright and cheery in the journal and was certainly something different to play with.
I do still prefer the faces though, but feel that faces alone are not going to do it - need to have just 'something' with them, even if its just butterflies...
I am still trying to master a dragon, this is not going so well as yet - but will certainly share the first one I do that does at least resemble a dragon..........

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Loving the Artistic Life

Not sure if it is the influence of the 'Lifebook 2014' course, or just a calmer life right now - but I am having so much fun painting most days.  I am still focusing on angels quite a lot (or fairies) this is another from class one in Lifebook, I enjoyed it so much I had another go.  Tried a different technique on the hair which I am happier with.  Doesnt show up on the photo but there is also a lot of glitter on this, one day I will make a print out of this one and hang it on my wall.
I met some pretty amazing people this week, suffering from varying illness - I think this was still on my mind when I did this journal page..
Today I shared this blog address with my group on Facebook (Lifebook UK) so if anyone is reading 'helloooooooooooooo' and thank you again so much for giving me an even longer list of the art supplies I neeeeeeeeeeed, you are all so kind.
Speaking of which in order to fund these much needed supplies I am in need of the dosh to do so, my Etsy shop still has a BIG sale on, my happy frog bag sold today that will be off to a new home on Monday MY ETSY SHOP

It is also only a week to go to Andrea's new FACEcinating Girls on line course - this is an amazing course to learn how to draw faces, this one also helps to draw 3/4 faces and again includes a set of fabulous stamps to help learn, also has some techniques for shading with markers which is something I am really keen to learn - this superb class can be found here FACEcinating Faces II

Just wish there was more hours in the day, never seems to be enough.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

A Belated Happy New Year

Oh dear, one very neglected blog - sorry.  What can I say? again I have been lost in the world of pen and paint, I have a new book (no surprise there) on learning to draw fairies, so the above is not strictly my own work, but learning from a book.  I have an awful lot to learn about using marker pens, but this will improve with the new faces course with Andrea Gomoll, that is due to start in a couple of weeks.
Also, the simply wonderful Lifebook 2014 started on the first of the month, so that saw me totally disappear into enjoying everything about it, above is one of my pages from that.  I totally adore this course.. I also now help to run the UK facebook group for Lifebook so that keeps me busy, and support some less confident members on the ning site.  I remember all too well what it was like to be in a group and nobody take any notice of your art works, it hurt - lots!

I did manage to re-open my Etsy shop yesterday with a HUGE sale, I would really love to see all those bags I made in new homes, just to clear out for a new start and to help fund my intentions, I still havent got around to my new projects for the shop, but would love to put up some prints for sale in the future, I also have a friend who wants to sell her prints via my shop too - but we both need some more funds yet, as good prints do not come cheap to produce, nor do good art supplies.

Happy New Year to anyone still reading, I am now off back to the paint and paper - less PC time and more painting needed.