Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Mixed Media and Oils

Finished off the one I showed in my last blog entry.  The face (and some of the rest) has oil paints added, a first for me.  Not so good at it yet but this months course is 'Cold Wax and Oils' so should learn much more from there.  I never thought I would get to this age and have so much fun learning each day.  There are so many new things to try in the Art world.

Hopefully my room will be sorted out soon, it is getting a bit warm in there and a bit crowded - the hubster has agreed to my plans just needs a spare weekend now to implement them which may be a few weeks off yet.

Not done much else as took a few days off to spend with said 'hubster' as he has been working away - now he is back at work, in the UK things are back to near normal so more time to do arty things.