Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Collage Canvas

This is my first attempt at an actual mixed media, collage canvas.  I got this far and stopped.  So, the idea is if I show it here I will be encouraged to actually finish it off (if only to have something else to waffle on about).  Its a fairly large canvas, but totally 'reclaimed' as it originated from the charity shop, I did a 'not so good' painting on it, then covered it all in papers and started again.

I did want Pink but I think this is too much pink so time for another play soon.  Today though I must finish off wood handle bag 2, and at least cut out attempt number 3.  Also have some wood sanding to do (might try photo that one for tomorrow).  Also a trip to post office and charity shop before I start, so just as soon as I have drunk this hot cuppa - warming up from earlier dog walk, I will do the going out stuff first.

Still a bit on the chilly side outdoors, no snow left were I live but just a mile or so up the road there is, all very odd.  Hoping to have seen the last of it, as not a big fan of driving on snowy streets tend to do more walking instead then.

Dont forget my January Sale in my Etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/SimJaTa?ref=seller_info


  1. WOW, beautiful colours and I would love to know what the lady is thinking! Looking forward to seeing how this one develops :)

  2. Thank you. Just hope this makes me finish this one sometime soon.
