Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Finished the Canvas

yes, I know I will never be Rembrant, but I did enjoy the process.  It started off way too pink for my liking http://mycreativelifestyle.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/collage-canvas.html  then sat doing very little, so I had a few more days of changes and this is how it ended up.  Steve says it should say 'Chaos and Mayhem' but I thought it very chaotic and it gave me joy to do so thats how it stays.  The varnish is still drying so will be a day or so before I can move it and start on a new one - hurray!  Must admit I am a bit fed up of looking at it now.

So.. what have I done today? very little.  Today's procrastination excuse is its so cold in here, the winds always make the house so cold and we have gales in the West at the moment.  I did finish off another journal page, I am a member of Art Geeks - which is an on-line community with artists who give up their time for free to teach us all kinds of mixed media, the other day I was watching how to draw fun creatures, really is a relaxing and fun thing to do, the next stage is to teach us how to colour them properly but I didnt wait that long, just had to do a full page of colour as I was having far too much fun.  If you are interested in Art Geeks you can find the group here http://artgeeks.ning.com/.

Here is the fun page I did (yes, instead of the two peg bags I should have been doing, or the furniture painting or the new bag making)

Tonight, I really MUST edit some photo's for the Etsy shop... but Art Geeks has quite a bit going on, and I just joined another free mixed media class too, that one doesnt start till the 11.2.13 though, there are plenty of classes out there if you look, I found this from one of the art blogs I follow.  But then like me, you will have lots of fun painting and sticking, but not get much of anything else done!

1 comment:

  1. Fab, love the creatures, thik I recognise one or two of them x
