Friday, 10 May 2013

Facecinating Faces

These super on-line courses are certainly keeping me busy.  I mentioned this wonderful course back in April when I first signed up here  I am now in week 2 of this amazing faces course by Andrea Gomoll, and enjoying every second of it, Andrea is an amazing teacher and the course is just fab.  Above are the first sketches I did in week one, the first thing that is taught is about proportion, which as you can see I havent quite 'got' yet but I am getting better.  I am hoping to start the shading we have been taught tonight.  Wasnt one of my better idea's to do two courses at once, I am finding that quite tough as life does get in the way a bit and all I want to be doing is art stuff.

To find out more about this course you can find a video here

In my usual haste and impatient way I started a face without the instruction - the thing I did wrong was to colour all the head before adding the hair, so learning that is NOT the way to do things, but I did enjoy the process.  This one was larger in size, but the rest I intend to try keep to A4 size as I have bought a file now to add them in order to view my progress, and to have somewhere other than all over my art room to put my works.  Here is the one I did on my own....

I did like her nose!  Although still not perfect I do think her an improvement.  I think one of the things I am learning is to take more time.

To those in the UK isnt the weather just awful? today is cold, wet and miserable outdoors and we are in May, its my husbands birthday next week we are certainly used to better weather for that.  Still, we did have a few good days last week and many got to enjoy the bank holiday so that was something.

OK, back to that drawing board....


  1. You are certainly doing very well! To be honest I like the idea of colouring the head before adding the hair...quite effective in my opinion because you can see glimpses of the skin through the hair which is true to life.

  2. Thanks Mick, the colour is good but made me struggle with the shape of the hair more. Still working hard but nothing to show just now, with the work on less than subtle shading we are at an ugly stage just now - I know it will pass with practice, and I do plenty of that.
