Wednesday, 21 August 2013

WOYWW 220 - whats on your work desk wednesday

If you wish to see what this Wednesday lark is all about see the lovely Julia's blog Here 
Its basically a peek at crafters desk's from around the world, most of them much tidier than mine, but some of a similar nature.
Nope, its not getting any better - infact I see I was not far enough back for you to see the stool next to me piled high with stuff too.  I think I just 'might' have taken on a bit too much...  On the desk easel are my fun faces for the week, these are inspired by Andrea Gomoll's latest youtube video, and have her stamps for the features (I'm not that good).
On the sewing machine is my photo of my parents taken on their Golden Wedding Anniversary... I have just signed up for a 'proper' portrait class, my first task is to draw a portrait from a photo, so I have something to compare with when I finish the course.  So, here are my portrait skills so far...
It is on my desk, its on top of the pencil tin on the right - I intend to buy another folder to catalogue my progress.
To the left (as there is no room anywhere else) is the art room helper..
To anyone who has not yet met 'Custer' this is our rescue boy, he has been us for 3 months now, still has a VERY long way to go, he might be a well behaved and trained dog in a year or so!

Before I forget, I am often asked by the 'deskers' about the dog in the picture on the motorbike.  This was a picture I picked up somewhere as the dog is identical to my soul dog 'Vicky' who I lost tragically many years ago, all dog owners know there is always a very special one and she was my special girl.

Keeping it shorter (for me)this week - to give you all chance to visit more desks, I did most of them last week I think, still only leave random comments as nobody has time to do them all, but I do try to visit and love to see what you are all up too.
have a good week xx

Late Edit - Sorry, not having such a great day, I have tried to work my way through desks but not happening today, I will get there but wont be today.


  1. Well hello Custer, you're rather cute.

    Your pawtrait pic looks pretty good, we tried copying Amanda Redgrave from a magazine, I don't think she'll be hiring us any time soon!

    The bears @#99

  2. Your faces on your journal pages are wonderful and what a great idea to do some classes. Pats to Custer.
    Sandy :) #64

  3. a dog on a motorcyle...he looks adorable. You desk resembles mine on some days. The messier the least for me. I admire your drawing, I seriously lack in that department.

  4. Great drawing, and that's before the course! I always have trouble getting things into proportion - head too big for the body or vice versa. Anyway, practice makes perfect, so the old saying goes. Have a happy WOYWW john-w #95

  5. I think your drawing skills are amazing but I am surprised that you can even work on a desk with that much stuff on it. Oh and I notice that you use the brilliant Golden products aren't they the best ever!

    Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 24

  6. Wow, that is one piled high and busy desk! Your faces are lovely, enjoy the drawing class. :-)

    Happy Woyww,

    Sandy #4

  7. I've always wanted to take an art class like that--love the photo of your parents! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #9

  8. I just spent last evening going through YouTube videos by Suzette Morrow on how to draw portraits. She was quite helpful, so may have to give it a go. Kim #52

  9. It looks like you have been really busy and your desk is looking very lived in. I am sure your little helper will be on hand when you start your new course
    Have a really great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
    Hugs Ria #85

  10. great sketches and what a beautiful dog! My craft helper is my cat Daisy, but she soon tires of lending a hand and demands some food! Is your boy more patient??? Julie Ann xx#35

  11. Hi Lynda! Your art area looks great with the new sketches and stuff around. That is the kind of area that gives me inspiration. Your portraits are coming along so good, so quickly. You must be a natural at it! Sorry you are not feeling well. Best thing to do is go rest. Take care and hugs, Rasz #123

  12. Happy WOYWW! Thanks for sharing your space, and cute pup! so sweet and tired!
    -Tera #124

  13. Hi Lynda, Happy WOYWW! I am loving seeing your faces come to life each week and can't wait to see your drawings from your portrait classes. Custer is just adorable. Have a great week! Danie #17

  14. You seem to get better and better. My faces are never good, so lovely to see someone actually making progress :)

    Happy (better late than never) WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (27)

  15. Thank you all so far, so uplifting when people drop by with such lovely comments. No, Custer is not patient at all, just well exercised and fed:) then I have peace.

    Thanks so much for healing messages, I was not ill just had a BIG misunderstanding in life that gave me a lot of upset, all sorted now though, so on with those desks I missed:)

  16. Hello Lynda, hope you're feeling brighter's amazing how an off chance remark can really hurt sometimes...
    Keep on drawing, you're doing really well and practise really does make perfect :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 63 xx

  17. You are so brave! I have been wanting to learn how to do faces and just recently bought an art book to help me. I have never been able to draw people or animals...can barely draw objects--LOL! Looks like you are doing great!

    Custer looks like he trying to be a good dog. ;)

    Thanks for visiting my blog. WOYWW#120

  18. ThanX for stopping by my desk earlier =) Good to see you are feeling better. Love your desk and your faces look fab. The dog on the bike is so cute, love it and Custer looks like a sweetie as well =)
    Happy (late) WOYWW xx Monique #110

  19. Like any true crafter Lynda you've got a messy desk - if it was completely empty then your mojo would be as well!!! lol Love your portraits and the dog painting.........but Custer is gorgeous and looks like butter wouldn't melt!

    Karen x

  20. Great portraits, how cool to take a class - hope you enjoy th ehomework!

    thanks for stopping by

    Debs #98

  21. What a sweetie your guy is. I'm sure once he is trained he will be awesome. They always are. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    April #106

  22. Lynda, those girls are awesome, and the picture of your parents are the perfect thing to make into a portrait. And of course, Custer already looks quite well behaved, but I know looks can be so deceiving.

    Thanks for your earlier visit. Happy slightly late WOYWW from #10.

  23. Hi Lynda, the portraits look lovely to me and I think taking on a rescue dog is a wonderful thing to do, with all the problems that can go with it, looks a fabulous dog though! Apologies for my late arrival of doing the round of WOYWW desks! Annette #6

  24. What a beautiful dog, Lynda - I am sure your loving influence with these rescue dogs will bring its own reward - well balanced and happy dogs who will be an asset to any family.

    I'm sorry to hear you are having a tough week. Your drawing and painting are amazing... Love what you are doing, and your desk has a good, healthy, lived in appearance! (Hang tidiness...)

    Thanks for your lovely comment - it's wonderful to be feeling better, and the progress on our whole new house, and especially on my new ARTHaven, is so exciting and uplifting! Not long to go now before we move - the date is now set for 16th Sept.

    Been really busy over there the past 2 days, and also our internet server was down for a day or two, hence the delay.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #92

  25. Thanks for further great comments, I have 'just' finished getting around all the desks and it is now Saturday evening, so think I might have to sit next week out - taking a bit too long now.

  26. Blogger has only just let me comment! I'm not sure I can keep up either Lynda and I sat this week out. Custer is so beautiful and I love those face stamps, what a great idea..something else for me to add to my wish list I think!!

    Dawn x

  27. Hi Lynda,

    You have a nice sketch start on your portrait of your parents! It's so way better than what I could do! And thank you for sharing Custer with us. He is a beauty; his coat looks so soft and pettable! I do love a big dog.

    Happy Belated WOYWW! Thank you for your visit to me and your get well wishes! I am taking it easy and only making cards while Mister waits on me hand and foot!! Enjoy the rest of your week! Darnell #16

  28. Hi Lynda, thanks for visiting me, I am catching up from two (or is it three) weeks ago.

    I love Custer, give him a cuddle from me! I would love to do a drawing course which reminds me I picked up the college course brochure but haven't got round to looking at it, I better do or anything I might want to do will have started. I think it is expensive though.

    Cazzy x #66 in #222
