Thursday, 19 December 2013

A day wasted

This is an art journal page I finished off today, what with one thing and another it has taken me 3 days to finish.  Though having said that the page and other art works I did the days before that were nothing short of awful, I can see how people 'could' give up on an art journey with days like that.  Luckily I now see it as just that 'one of those days' and simply close the door and walk away, although listening to an interview by Jane Davenport it seems maybe I should have tried to work through the 'ugly' phase, it was quite a phase.

But, I am happy with this one and just love the quote, much needed at the moment.

Seems to go very quiet at holiday season around the on-line world, which is really a good thing - hopefully people are spending more time with their loved ones.  Therefore, unless I manage to create the most wonderful masterpiece I doubt I will blog again until the new year.

Have a wonderful Christmas time, and a safe New Year...

I will leave with another journal page, I was quite pleased with too - this one was inspired by Effy Wilde and her 'Moonshine' video.


  1. Your art is wonderful and that second girl is beautiful - she looks like she is alive!!!
