Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Please Welcome our new family member

Please give a warm welcome to our new family member 'Rhubarb' (was Drooliet).  We adopted this little girl from the local dogs home last Friday.  Do I need to tell you there has been no art done since?  She is a bit of a full time job just now, especially trying to settle her in with the boys.
The 'live together in harmony' thing is not quite happening yet, we all need to get used to each other for a while.  Though as we are having a few grumps and growls all round I do have to keep my wits about me and have eyes in the back of my head at all times.
Hoping I can get back to doing some sort of art soon as I really do miss it, but with the holiday season upon us too I seem to have very little time, this week is all about sorting the dogs and going out to visit family - hoping Christmas day is not too long, as dont want to be leaving the dogs alone for too long, hubby does usually 'escape' to have to feed them half way through, he does this willingly.  Boxing day is family with us, which will be interesting to say the least.

I doubt there will be much more blogging now till new year when I get back in the art seat with new idea's.

Have a Great Christmas and fantastic new year to all xx

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