Sunday, 30 March 2014

Soft Pastel - so much to learn...

Wow, who would have thought there was just so much to learn on the soft pastel? it is an amazing study, and I do have some of the best books to aid me.  I am currently working through "The Pastel Book, by Bill Creevy"  this one is highly recommended on many Pastel information sites and I must say it is a very informative read.
I have started trying to learn about different papers and pastes. and about layers - still not quite getting it though as I would like my paintings to be richer in colour.  I always have had this big problem about wanting to 'run' before I can 'walk'.
Also a large list of tools to help which I had no idea about, and other mediums to add - not tried that yet.
I quite like my latest piece, and it has taken me a fair few days to achieve.. so again I am learning to take more time which is a good thing.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Art Journeyling

I signed up for this fab new course last month, Its Andrea Gomoll's latest offering - looked so much fun I signed up on the day she launched the video and have had to wait all this time for it to begin - you can find details here ART JOURNEYLING 
I have done the first two lessons already, see just how much fun they are? Its also about learning techniques and using new items.  For example, I have been learning about Art Journalling for 2 years now, and until now did not know what 'Crackle Paste' did or how it worked, I now have my first tub on order as that looks a lot of fun.
Here is Lesson 2 I finished off today..
Afraid my drawing skills were not up to much, but I need the practice.. Its also the first time I have been happy with my lettering.
I am 'of course' still playing with pastels, I banked a few coins today I had saved so ordered some decent pastels for my collection, cant wait to try them - still hoping I might get some more for my birthday, they are on my 'wish list' so easy to find.  Here is a face I played with today..

I think I need to go back and practice lips again, seem to be going a bit 'off' lately there.  This one is just done on mixed media paper, not found a paper I like yet and its a bit pricey to keep trying.  I followed a tutorial today and tried my very first pastel flowers...
This led me to the idea of starting a file of my efforts, as it just has to get better - right?  One day I will get to grips with flowers, would love to paint a nice bunch... I had the idea to do some for mothers day so I could frame them, not so sure that will be this year..

Saturday, 22 March 2014

A longer Obsession

Not had an awful lot of free time of late to enjoy the art space.  But managed a few hours yesterday and today.  I am still really loving the discovery of soft pastels, the above painting was done over mixed media background, which I really enjoyed.  Due to my lack of lighting just now I have been studying the art of pastels during the evening, who knew there was just so much to learn? Its fascinating.
I am still enjoying the Obsessions Club with 'Gulfsprite' too - its the only thing I can keep up with right now as its three short stages per week for each painting, which is great for me to both keep up with and learn to slow down a bit, I always want to finish things straight away, I still need to learn to take more time.
Also working in a very cheap journal, which is standing up to a lot of paint etc, simply by learning to 'dry' each layer more thoroughly, another good lesson learnt.  As of course always seems to be easier to let go without the fear of wasting good paper.  This is a large watercolour pad from 'the works' that cost me all of £2.99, i bought 4 of them just before Christmas, gave one to my friend and have the others to 'play' in, all good.

Its my birthday in a few weeks, on my list I have a 'daylight lamp' to help with my lighting probs - and of course, some pastels and nice pastel paper/board - fingers crossed, if not a lottery win would be real good please:)

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

This weeks Art Classes.

Its a VERY rare occurance, I am up-to-date with my art classes for the week (well, aside from the few I have to go back too).  All good fun and all different challenges.  Above is this weeks Lifebook class with Tam and Gracie, its the 'Tree of Life' with how I would 'like' to look, I think the only similarity is the hair really.

Next up is one of my pastel girls from the FACEcinating Girls class..
This one I did on mixed media paper, it is all about finding what suits you best, not so sure this is it - going to try some pastel paper next, but I do enjoy working with pastels.

Finally the weeks work for the 'Obsessions' club with Gulfsprite, this month is all about layers - something I have been taught for years, but do enjoy this form of teaching and results, I have also learnt about a lot of medium's I knew nothing about and have some great things on order to play with.  Here is my finished painting for week 1..
I do enjoy these on-line classes, sometimes find it very hard to keep up though - which is my own fault for taking so many, and I also have to try fit some of my own creation in too so I can remember my own styles.
Sad that FACEcinating Girls has finished now (well for me, still there for anyone else of course) - but the good news is Andrea has a new course on Art Journalling starting on March 23rd, just how exciting is that? Yes, of course I have signed up -couldnt miss out now could I? this course is to learn about Art Journal techniques used by Andrea Gomoll, so should be fabulous.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Pastel Pencils

Now, oil pastels I have tried - and enjoyed using.  But soft pastels, not really (aside from a Reeves set which dont really count do they? enough to put anyone off) so for the bonus lesson in the FACEcinating Girls Class I invested in a set of pastel pencils and had a try above, this is my first try and I quite like them, so much so I have ordered a set of Conte soft pastels to go with them.  I find the blending far easier than other media and it helps me to learn what its all about.

I tried another one today, not as keen on the placement of her features but again enjoyed the shading.
Still struggling a bit for precious art time, so the pastels are very good for that - dont have drying time, or sorting out clean water and pallets.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

29 Faces Challenge, last two

I have combined my last two faces with my watercolour class.  Loved this class, and sad its over, but I do intend to do so much more with watercolour in the future.
..also to teach myself how to include animals too, of course this poor elephant is a bit 'off' but I have books now with the animals and reptiles I would like to include.  We were taught in class to try tell a story with an artwork, makes painting even more fun.

Sorry I did not manage to do all 29 days of the faces challenge, I just took too much other stuff on - but I did enjoy trying and meeting some of the other wonderful artists along the way.

It can only get better..right?

Sorry for absence, and getting behind in my 29 faces, I will post the last two in a seperate post.  Its been a very trying few days, as a result my mojo got up and left me.............

I forced myself back into the art room yesterday, even if things get bad surely you can still paint them then? So I got the watercolours out and did the above..

I might be quiet for a while, as one of the crisis I had over the last few days (note, I say one of them!) was a major water leak from the loft - resulting in two ceilings needing replacing, electrics caput and full decorating needed, this may well knock me off line for a while. Wont be just yet though, as everything needs to dry out first which may take some time.

I am also having to care more for one of my dogs who had an accident the other day and managed to rip his little foot to bits, he has cut a tendon and ligament in his foot and is in plaster - will know more in a few days when the dressing is changed.  He is very sad with his sore foot and the fact he is used to 3 walks a day and is not allowed out at all just now.