Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Art Journeyling

I signed up for this fab new course last month, Its Andrea Gomoll's latest offering - looked so much fun I signed up on the day she launched the video and have had to wait all this time for it to begin - you can find details here ART JOURNEYLING 
I have done the first two lessons already, see just how much fun they are? Its also about learning techniques and using new items.  For example, I have been learning about Art Journalling for 2 years now, and until now did not know what 'Crackle Paste' did or how it worked, I now have my first tub on order as that looks a lot of fun.
Here is Lesson 2 I finished off today..
Afraid my drawing skills were not up to much, but I need the practice.. Its also the first time I have been happy with my lettering.
I am 'of course' still playing with pastels, I banked a few coins today I had saved so ordered some decent pastels for my collection, cant wait to try them - still hoping I might get some more for my birthday, they are on my 'wish list' so easy to find.  Here is a face I played with today..

I think I need to go back and practice lips again, seem to be going a bit 'off' lately there.  This one is just done on mixed media paper, not found a paper I like yet and its a bit pricey to keep trying.  I followed a tutorial today and tried my very first pastel flowers...
This led me to the idea of starting a file of my efforts, as it just has to get better - right?  One day I will get to grips with flowers, would love to paint a nice bunch... I had the idea to do some for mothers day so I could frame them, not so sure that will be this year..

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