Tuesday, 4 March 2014

It can only get better..right?

Sorry for absence, and getting behind in my 29 faces, I will post the last two in a seperate post.  Its been a very trying few days, as a result my mojo got up and left me.............

I forced myself back into the art room yesterday, even if things get bad surely you can still paint them then? So I got the watercolours out and did the above..

I might be quiet for a while, as one of the crisis I had over the last few days (note, I say one of them!) was a major water leak from the loft - resulting in two ceilings needing replacing, electrics caput and full decorating needed, this may well knock me off line for a while. Wont be just yet though, as everything needs to dry out first which may take some time.

I am also having to care more for one of my dogs who had an accident the other day and managed to rip his little foot to bits, he has cut a tendon and ligament in his foot and is in plaster - will know more in a few days when the dressing is changed.  He is very sad with his sore foot and the fact he is used to 3 walks a day and is not allowed out at all just now.

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