Wednesday, 26 February 2014

29 Faces Challenge 25 & 26

.. and here she is, my very first 'real' watercolour face, I think she looks quite interesting and not too bad for a first attempt.  One of the BEST pieces of advice I have been given in this class.. and I am going to share with you, 'learn to love all your art' it really does work and teaches you a whole new mindset.  I still need to learn, less paint!!! but I am improving with each exercise, and thoroughly enjoying the course.
Face 26 is another mixed media, inspired by Steven Speight who I mentioned in my last faces entry..
I am working on another 2 watercolour pieces so hope to get one finished for tomorrow and one the next day, though these are not the best art days for me, not so much arty time with 'other stuff' getting in the way.
Just another 3 days to go of the challenge, I did not manage 'every' day I'm afraid but did okay and blogged more than I have ever done, and probably more than I will the rest of the year!


  1. Great faces Lynda! And you are right on schedule. Congrats on a great job.

  2. Love the watercolour & mixed media, isn't it fun to try new materials, and checked out some of your other posts, really love your journal pages!!
