Friday, 14 February 2014

29 faces challenge - day 13 & 14

For more information about the 29 faces challenge see HERE

Oh dear, I am getting behind already - lost day 12 altogether I'm afraid.  Anyway, here is day 13 this one was inspired by Andrea Gomoll's entry with video, most of this is watercolour and pencils - I am learning to enjoy this medium.

Day 14 is my very first all watercolour face (well almost, just some pencils in the hair/eyes)
I have a way to go on the shading part yet I know, we haven't got to faces on my course as yet - its florals next which I am really looking forward too, about time I learnt to do something else.. having said that I would love to surround the faces with flowers.

Hope you all had a good valentine's day - I did, its also my 10th wedding anniversary today, which is 'tin' I have been lucky enough to be presented with a tin of 'Windsor and Newton Watercolour Paints' the professional ones, wow!! Not that I will be using them yet, but they are nice to look at for when I am ready, came with a lovely brush too, might just have to use that.


  1. You have such a great variety of faces! (I love how the girl at the top is emerging from the background... Very cool!)

  2. Great faces. I think most everyone has lost a day or two somewhere in the last two weeks. I know I have.

    Happy anniversary! Only an artist would think of "tin" and apply it to art supplies that come in tins. You are so cute! Hope you have a lovely anniversary and weekend my friend!

  3. Thank you Kristin, and thanks for following too.

    Hi Rasz, nice to see you - many thanks for anniversary wishes, just been to visit you too x
