Saturday, 22 February 2014

Art Lesson and the need for coloured pencils

Yes, I know I am neglecting my 29 faces challenge - I do have a sketch done ready to paint and really hope to get on with it tomorrow, life just got in the way again darn it... But on to coloured pencils..

Often wished I could use them well, the ladies on my Lifebook UK group all love them and many have been investing in Prismacolor, and raving about how wonderful they were, so I had a nice tin of 24 on my Amazon wish list ready to purchase.  I was due to be spending the evening with my mega talented artist friend Julie, who advised I wait and she would give me a demo, which turned into a fantastic lesson last night.  The above Rubic Cube was sketched and coloured by her with Prismacolor pencils!!!

So, she drew another one for me to have a try and taught me how to use these totally fabulous pencils.. Like many before me I was almost instantly in love here is my work from my first lesson..
It may take me some time to get this finished but I will do it - my a tin of 72 were ordered this morning and hopefully on their way to be with me real soon, I will be waiting impatiently for them each day.  Along with a couple of pads of Bristol Board to go with them, the above is also on the Bristol Board.

Again, alongside learning the watercolour (of which you do not want to know what I spent on 5 tubes of yesterday) I am hoping to try my hand at flowers, I have some wonderful books now to practice sketching from, and the hubster 'finally' set up my new printer and has ordered me some new inks so I can watch out for other pictures to practice from.

So I now have professional paints and soon to have professional pencils, all I need now is more time to learn how to use them.


  1. Ooh - hope your pencils arrive soon, bet you're itching to carry on with the rubiks cube. Good time had all round on Friday :-D
