Thursday, 27 November 2014

Blogging... its a lonely business

Above are the latest 'Paint Palette Polly's' number 6 - 9.  These will be added to the Etsy Store soon.  I just spent the last couple of hours editing the photo's after doing the photo's in the only bit of available light this morning, such a dark day there was very little of it about.

The title of today's blog is 'Blogging.........its a lonely business'.  If you scroll down you will see my last post had no comments, the one before that did.. but then I actually 'asked' for visits in my art group.  I do have to ask though.  Luckily the main reason I blog about my art is so I have a record of what I have done and when, and to put out my original idea's (at least I think they are, again on a blog I hope I would be told if not)on record.  I follow a lot of blogs, but mainly because I have no idea how to 'unfollow' them.  When I started out I used to take the time to comment on every one of them, as it is no good complaining about no comments if you dont do so yourself is it?  I soon realised this was simply a waste of valuable time.

If you take the time to look around on social media there are a lot of hidden 'cries for help' from people who are either very lonely, or in need of some encouragement or recognition for what they are doing........ it does not take long to give someone a lot of cheer in their day.  I am not going to mention were I found this, but I 'do' facebook groups, pinterest, instagram and etsy groups and found a couple of fledgling artists who just need a kind word to help their struggle with life.

On the whole artists are a great bunch of people.. but I think we can sometimes get lost in the 'selling' thing and forget the 'human' side.  Or maybe it is just your life is going well and you may not notice its not going that well for everyone?

Before I waffle on for ever, (and I really do need to get the dog out before it gets any darker) - please do me a favour today while you are scrolling around on the net - keep an eye for someone who might need that kind word, be it on Facebook/Etsy/Instargram/twitter.. it will only take a minute.

Lastly (yes, I am going now) I would like to wish our friends in the USA a Happy Thanksgiving, have a great few days taking time off and spending it with family and friends........... and turn those PC's off for a few days!!!!

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