Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Paint Palette Polly's take over

Well, all four of the Polly's from my last blog post are now on sale as prints in my Etsy Store.  The originals are safely displayed in a file to keep them clean.  I am still loving these, just as well as of the 100 I intend to do I still have 94 left.  They are changing as they go, which I think is a great appeal, and very inspiring to me.
I also have 3 Postcard Polly's that I have no idea what to do with as yet.  I purchased a photo album to put them in while I make up my mind.  I am 'toying' with the idea of cards, or having them printed as a collection of postcards, but need to be bringing some finances in first for that.
So serious am I to try move forward with my artwork I have today applied for a 'real' job doing 'Admin' work, not my chosen way to fill my days but alas has become necessary.  I will have less time to paint, but at least I can afford to buy some!
I have not prepared the next lot of 'Polly's' for printing as yet.  Also working on 'Christmas Polly' and a few sketches with a view to possible Christmas cards, probably not to sell but to send out to friends.

Downside of winter months is the lack of decent light, not as many hours in the day to paint - I do have lighting but prefer daylight.. roll on new year and slight longer days please.


  1. It will be sooo awesome once you have 100 to see the progress and change between the earlier ones and the latter ones. I've seen the 100 faces challenge around, I'm toying with the idea of doing it too, although I don't really need another thing on my plate lol.

    I'd recommend looking into getting a daylight bulb. They're amazing and the light really is similar to daylight. I have one in my art room and I can easily paint at any time of day or night.

  2. Thanks Iris, I havent seen the challenge around, must google and see. Yes, the daylight bulb is on the ever growing 'list' must push it nearer the top.

  3. How great you are doing a challenge on it! It will be interesting to see where it will lead you.

  4. love them... look forward to seeing more :)

  5. This is such a great series you are doing lynda! Looking forward to seeing the progression too!

  6. Lovely faces, I especially like the one with the reddish pink background. Great series!

  7. Thank you. After the Art101 challenge I think I just have an addiction. The group certainly helped me to do more and give me more much needed confidence. I am quite fond of the bright one (Polly 6) too.
