Tuesday, 23 July 2013

What's on your work desk Wednesday - 216

In case anyone is still not sure what this 'desk business' is all about, please visit here ....http://stamping-ground.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/what-on-your-workdesk-wednesday.html  to tell you all about it.

Oh dear, after last weeks spurt of tidyness it all went down hill from then on!  Things take so long to dry I have a few on the go.  The small canvas to the back is a project I am trying to 'fix' not sure it is going that well, I intend to blog about that one when its done.

Open in the middle is my art journal, I got a stencil for a laugh but it didnt work too well so I had to improvise the design, which is what the image to the right is, its not finished though.  To the left is the beginning of another face, done as I squeezed out too much white paint for the small blob I actually needed for the canvas.

Its still hot here in the UK, infact its worse than ever now, much of the UK has had thunderstorms or are expecting them.  We are in the 'expecting them' bracket, although very warm just now it is also quite dark which is not a good sign.  I dont mind of course, anything to shift this heat - BUT, the old Lurcher Dog is petrified of the thunder, so we dont have such a good time of it, he is totally inconsolable and runs around the house in total terror, which is winding up the new dog no end - and that was just with a couple of minutes of thunder we had earlier.

Thank you to all the lovely 'Deskers' who visited me last week and took time to comment, I got around over 100 last week, will try again this time - see if I can get to better than in the 80's this time, I keep trying.

Have a good week! xx

PS - of course it is 'really' Tuesday, but I would never have time to get a blog post and pics etc together on the same day.. and I just saw Julia had posted so I am off to join in EARLY!!!!


  1. No 1 girl ! Great to see you playing in your journal - like the day of the dead image ! Ali #6

  2. Well done on being first on this early posting of WOYWW! I love your journal - that skull is fab - is it the Andy Skinner one? Have a great week. Helen 7

  3. Great journal! I too am on earlier than I've ever managed before :-) I need a head start this week. GS's coming to stay tomorrow for a few days. Happy WOYWW Anne x #9

  4. have fun painting your faces...mine suck...keep cool in the UK I believe it has been very very hot....our turn next...great work No.1

  5. Love your journal pages. Happy crafting #12

  6. You can't really be tidy and crafting at the same time - well that's my excuse anyhow! Happy early WOYWW.
    Bernice #23

  7. I am in the waiting for thunder area too, I wish it would hurry up as it is very muggy OMG talking weather on WOYWW naught naughty.
    love the picture in your journal very freaky!
    have a good week
    janet #23 ish

  8. Yay to your first number one spot, nice to mix it up a bit. Desk looks full on, hope the thunder clears the air but such a shame about the doggie being so terrified. Love Lurchers, don't see too many of them about!

    Brenda 28

  9. Number 1 - well done. Lots of excitement on your desk this week - enjoy.
    Margaret #33

  10. Wow No 1 - I had to pop in and say hi!! I really like the candy skull - did you say it went wrong? The humidity is hard - have just had my daughter in in tears as she can't sleep and has to be up at 5.00 (she went to bed at 6 bless her). I have to say it hasn't stopped me sleeping but I prefer the weather last week to this, don't care for the humidity but love the sunshine. Happy WOYWW Cindy

  11. Lovely Artwork, and still tidy and you're #1 this week too! Have a great craft week! Thank you for my snoop,
    Happy WOYWW!?
    ((Lyn)) #36

  12. I heard on the tv that its very hot there in the UK and no one is used to that kind of heat so I feel for you
    That is one scary picture on your desk lol
    Bridget #24

  13. Hi Lynda
    You have got a very busy desk there today for us to have a look at. Your journal looks very interesting and I look forward to seeing what else you do with it.
    I have a miniature Jack Russell that is terrified of the storms and tries to climb in my skin to feel safe
    Sending hugs for WOYWW and hope you enjoy the rest of your week
    Ria #45

  14. I love your canvas and the journal page. I would be quite happy to take some of your heat, it's freezing down here in Brisbane.
    Have a great week.
    Von #53

  15. Happy WOYWW and congratulations on the No.1 spot. Love the journal pages. Hope that if you had any thunder your old Lurcher Dog is ok - thankfully, my 2 are not particularly bothered by storms. Ali x #68

  16. Great looking desk and works in progress! Congrats on snapping up the #1 spot this week. Thunder is just about over for us right now usually gets too hot in OKlahoma this time of year to have storms...just dry heat!!! Have a great week! Vickie #71

  17. Argh, I hope the thunder has been and gone and your poor dogs can at least get a break, it's awful..and here they were the most terrific storms. All warm and fresh again now though. I like how you've got more than one thing on the go - not a skill of mine. And that even a fab journal page is born from just a little blob of paint too far! Funny innit - I look at the canvas and can't see what your plan is...

  18. Well done for getting there first, Lynda! I really like what's in the journal, especially the skull: really big and bold! Sorry to hear about the effect of the thunder on the dogs. Our cat sleeps through anything, bless her; but I think even she's feeling this heat! Julie Ann x #17

  19. I am sure your art work will try very fast in this weather
    I do hope the thunderstorms have not scared your blog too much We have had a very bad thunderstorms and my friends house round the corner got hit by lightning
    Jackie 72
    Scrap bang wallop

  20. Love the skull Lynda. I hope your poor dogs survived the night. My cat is ok with storms but fireworks is another story. Hope its a cooler day today!

    Dawn x #77

  21. I too am loving the skull in your journal and your face on your canvas looks fabulous too! Happy WOYWW! Danie #74

  22. That journal page looks awesome!

    Have a wonderful WW!

    die amelie #88 xx

  23. great AJ pages! glad you're managing to create in the heat, I wimped out...
    congrats on no. 1 spot :)
    happy WOYWW and have a great week!
    no. 61

  24. Hi Lynda - I posted very early and at the time it gave me #1 - but then I knew from past experience to wait - got home from work and yep #4 LOL - cant complain I think the lowest I have ever been before was in the 60's... loving your art journal - I have done scrapbooking in the past but haven't "progressed" to journals - you never know though there are brilliant ones {like yours] popping up all the time... thanks for visiting and Happy WOYWW - Mxx #4

  25. You don't find many tidy crafters so please don't worry. Fab show and tell this week.
    A x # 8

  26. Wow, No 1! show off!
    I think your canvas looks lovely, perhaps it needs a little softness, flowers perhaps? We had the mother of storms here in Essex on Monday night and it rattled the windows.
    Karen #77

  27. LUV that painting at the back there. At least I got in the top 20 this week LoL !!!

    Happy WOYWW

    IKE x #13

  28. Your journal looks great & doing that much crafting you cannot have tidy desk, can you! Hope your little dog is ok when the thunder comes. We are waiting for it here too.

  29. Linda just go and buy yourself some carving tools....a wooden handle with a little metal attachment that looks like a v and another that looks like a U.....but some erasers,draw a pattern on it and start carving....ink up the pattern as you go so that you can refine details.....remember words need to be Mirror image...ie backwards.....check out Julie Fei Fan Balzer she may have a tutorial...maybe I should film the process....even though mine are very basic?...

  30. Congrats on being no 1 this week and wow what a desk love those journal pages especially the teeth on the second page they gave me a good giggle. Thanks for popping by to say hi.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 55

  31. Oh yes, my desk is always a Monday or a Tuesday desk in reality--but that's okay, because it usually doesn't change that much at the beginning of the week. I love your art journal face--it's like one of those fun skeleton heads with all the design...so cool! Thanks for your sweet visit today. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #46

  32. Very cool journal page with the skeleton! It is hot and humid everywhere. Here is California (my area) it is always HOT in the summer, but we actually had rain two nights ago and it was horrible humid afterwards.
    Krisha #22

  33. Thanks for visiting my blog! Your comment on the inky fingers made me laugh :) I love the look of your art journal :) - Uniflame - 82

  34. Wonderful work in your art journal! Dia de los Muertos images are very popular here in Texas. Envy your rain!

    This is my first week at WOYWW and I am fast becoming addicted, too!

    Lynn #67

  35. Thanks all for visiting and commenting, much appreciated.

    Thank you Zeffy for the great tips, yes you should make a video. Anyone who missed it Zeffy has the most amazing hand carved stamps done on large erasers.

  36. Wow, your drawings are fab, we don't think we'd ever get to that standard, we are in awe

  37. Lovely journal page and canvas.

    Happy WOYWW. Susi #81

  38. Oh yes, there is always something to derail the tidying--honestly, my main motivation is to just find my big container of UTEE, but it hasn't happened yet!

    Great pages, Lynda, and congratulations on being #1! I'm always glad just to make it into the top 100!
    Happy WOYWW!
    #63 this week

  39. Very interesting pages. I know "dead" faces and Day of the Dead stuff is quite popular though I've never gotten into them. Your desk is definitely very busy! Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting!
    Carol N #18

  40. Congrats on no 1 this week.
    I don't like thunder and lightening either but so far we have escaped it. Waiting our turn!I got some canvases dry in the sun today but I guess it depends on gthe media you are using. Good luck with them.
    Hugs and Thanks for visiting me earlier - Neet 44 xx

  41. Oh, it's hard to "fix" stuff, isn't it? Really just have to set it to the side for awhile...I have a whole pile of cards waiting to be fixed! lol :) My mom "inherited" a dog who went crazy at thunder(she found this out when he first woke her up in the middle of the night!) and she let him run out into the yard...now when it thunders during the day he shoots outside and tears from one side of the yard to the other, barking at the sky like mad! But it seems to have helped him...he doesn't seem to mind now when a storm starts up in the middle of the night and rarely barks like he is scared anymore. Go figure. :)
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment already, you were really the early bird this week, huh? :)
    Deeyll #77

  42. Cool journal page! I'm not in the UK but do deal with horrific thunderstorms on a daily basis. My poor T doesn't like the rain or the noise and insists on hiding in the bottom of the closet corner. She even comes to get me if the door is closed. :) I'll hope for cooler temps for with rain but no thunder. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #49 and congrats on the nĂºmero UNO!

  43. Congrats on # 1 and lovely that you visited earlier. I think your journal page is Fab always such amazing stuff on peoples desks.
    Sandra @87

  44. Too funny! I was just messaging Julia to ask if she meant her post to go live and then you sneaked in! Still I got number 2 which is more than I ever hoped for as I am usually in the 40s at the moment. Have a great week! #2

  45. Hi Linda, you've probably had the storms by now and hopefully you will be feeling cooler, and maybe even up to a bit of crafting too though I have to admit it is so humid I'm even finding keyboarding sticky! You did well, very well, to visit 100 desks last week ... it's a long time since I made that count. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #37

  46. Oooh, thank you again for all the visits, much appreciated. No more thunderstorms alas, had a few spots of rain but done nothing for the heat here, seems no end to it - still not spending as much time as I would like in the arty space - just a few degree's cooler would be good, please.

  47. Sorry I am so late visiting... things just got in the way this week! Love the canvases and the day of the dead image! Hope you didn't get too much rain and thunder, though sometimes it freshens things up a bit so is a bonus! Annette #17

  48. We had lots of thunder and lightning here - very scary!,

    I love your pages.

    Sorry f rather late visit x x
