Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Whats on your Work Desk Wednesday 217

In case you don't know what this work desk lark is all about see here - Julia's Blog

Good Morning/Evening fellow 'deskers' sorry about the mess (again) yesterday I was full of hopes ready to tidy up and show off something amazing, but alas the world turned to disaster.  Here is another desk though, just so its not too boring..
Of course desk 1, is just my art journal, not very interesting at all.  Desk 2 is the side of my drawing board, just to show I don't confine my mess to one place by any means.  After the photo though I did go round and put all the lids on paint and put them in the drawer, as it was too much even for me.

Lastly, here is my latest oil pastel portrait, this actually started off as a famous person - the sketch was better (in last blog entry) till I added colour, now it looks absolutely NOTHING like who it was meant to be, never mind....... keep trying.
In brief, the weather is still too hot for me, and too hot to spend much time in my art space.  The husband is quite poorly, so having to play 'nurse' which really is not my forte - my Mum reminded me earlier that this is a wife's role it seems, and we do infact take those vows.  Mum is not too well either, our health service is not looking after her too well, despite my official complaint - but hey, she does actually have another appointment scheduled for Friday (not bad for someone with chronic heart failure and poor kidney function) seems there is no rush to treat such things, and certainly no rush to care for anyone past 75.
Sure all you crafters appreciate if it wasnt for my art world I would go totally bonkers, what a savoir in the lowly crayon.

Will be watching Julia' later to see if I can sneak an early posting - but if not I will no doubt be in the 80's again as will be later on in the day.  Will get around as many desks as I can again, I did over 100 last week so was most proud of myself, and am very grateful for everyone who took time to visit me and my mess.


  1. Your art journal looks great and I love the drawing in your second photo. TFS. Happy Wednesday. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner@29)

  2. That's a great picture :-)
    Sorry to hear about you having to cope with people's health issues ... what a bummer !!!! You are right though - at least we can keep ourselves sane with art :-D
    Hang in there xxx

    Happy WOYWW

    IKE in Greece #58

  3. Love your art journal desk and your painting desk and if the picture doesn't look like the famous person anymore... it's just a portrait of a blonde!! LOL Sorry you are having to be nurse... I am really bad at that role and feel sorry for anyone I look after. Annette #1 for the first time in 4 years!

  4. G'day Lynda
    thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a message for WOYWW. Yes the jack russel is a cutie and very smart :). I do love my pets. Your drawings and paintings are very good. Love them both. Hope everyones health improves
    Annette In Oz #4

  5. I had to dispense tough love when my husband went through a massive operation five years ago..he was brilliant but at times got a but I didn't let him stay that way!! Everyone feels sorry (rightly) for the patient but the careers sometimes get a raw deal..... Chin up,'ll cope xx
    Love your oil pastels, you've really got the knack of tones, haven't you??
    Hugs, LLJ 20 xx

  6. Creativity is so important for keeping our sanity in trying times. I didn't get a chance to visit last week, but it would be lovely to see in my card class if you happen to be in the right part of Wilts/Dorset :o)

  7. Your portrait looks good,even though you say it did not turn out too well....I am glad you can get away from your worries a little...that is the beauty of art from a hot Greece ZEFFY 40

  8. I'm not a great nurse either - my OH is particularly pathetic when he's ill which winds me up!! I hope both your husband and mum are a little better soon.

    Its a beautiful face even if it doesn't look like who it was meant to be :)

    Dawn x

  9. So sorry you are surrounded by sickness one way and another. Both precious people too. Will put them on my prayer list.
    In the meantime I love your artwork. Don't do yourself down, just keep on trying to get the image of the person you want, it will come eventually and think of all the lovely paintings you get along the way.
    Thanks for sharing and for visiting me earlier.
    Neet xxx

  10. Wonderful Journal (as far as I can see;)). And your desk reminds me of mine. Hubby always asks how I can have a large table and end up with a workspace of about 12 x 12 Inch**LOL**

  11. I'm not a brilliant nurse but an even worse patient so a gold medal for the person who gets me when I am old! They will need to be a saint! I am sure your efforts are really appreciated.
    I find such peace and relaxation in just playing about with arty stuff. It can be very therapeutic too when you want to let off steam.
    Hugs Lynda B #43

  12. Wow, your journal pages are fabulous. We love your faces. Thanks for the info about your blogpost, we're off to find it now.

  13. Beautiful artwork. Hope all goes well with your families health. x Jo #11

  14. Hi,
    just like me ... my stuff is strewn around in (too) many places :-) Yor pages are so beautiful! I do hope your folks and you get well very soon. I'm also very thankful that we have our drawing, stamping, crafting, whatever you call it. Just these weeks it probably saved my mind :-) Suzanne x
    Thanks for your kind comment :-)

  15. The only reason my desk and room look fairly tidy is that everything just got picked up and dumped in another room while work went on in there, and I have not brought it all back yet - I am determined to try to find everything a proper tidy home as it comes back. Your artwork is beautiful. I understand your frustration that the portrait changes so much from the sketch to the pastel version, but it is still a lovely piece of work in its own right, even if it is not as you originally visualised. Hope your family soon pick up and feel better. It is a strain being carers for several people at once and still keep going yourself. Make sure you safeguard your own health and sanity, not just for yourself but also to help others too. Thank you for your visit and take care. xx Maggie #48

  16. The mess means that You are working :-) It is much more important than clean desk. I like the painting in Your book in the first photo. Also the scketch is very fine. The painting is shanging always when You paint colors. I think that Your painting is beautiful. The eyes are important. You have painted them very good. The person looks inside. It is good so.
    Greetings from Finland :-)

  17. Beautiful art! (and i see you have some Tim Holtz scissors, I love my TH scissors too!!) -thank you for your kind comments too
    tera #98

  18. Lynda Thanks for visiting me. I'd willingly help you tidy your stuff, sometimes it is easier for someone else to do these things that for you to do it yourself, but as you are not on my doorstep, it might not be very easy.
    I love your drawings and paintings, I am absolutely rubbish at drawing and struggle with all the painting mediums to get a satisfactory results.
    Sorry you are playing nurse to your family, it can be so tiring especially if they are not very good patients. I have had nearly eight weeks of it and hubby having recovered from major surgery and is now down with laryngitis. Will be praying for swift attention at the hospital for your mum, and at home for your hubby and rest for you.
    Chris N.83

  19. I have just taken on art journaling and it can be vexing to say the least. I get a background I like and can think of absolutely nothing I like or if I get an idea for a page I can't get a background I like!!! Beautiful portraiture! Thanks for visiting my desk and I hope you have a productive and creative week. Vickie #80

  20. Your art work is wonderful. I will never be a true artist so I am filled with admiration. I will have to settle for being a crafter instead. You have achieved a beautiful portrait so that is the first step surely? I am sorry you have so much on your plate right now. I know you will be doing your best for your family, but don't let them grind you down. Make sure there is always time to unwind with your art. Hope this is a better week for you. Kate x #18

  21. YOur pages are coming along great, I hope your mum gets better soono
    Bridget #63

  22. I love busy desks! The more there is on them the better. I really like your AJ and the portraits are awesome!
    Thank you for visiting me and leaving a kind comment
    Gabriele 37

  23. Well, your drawing may not look like the famous person whoever they are, but it's still a lovely drawing! Love your Art journal.I think I might go crazy if not for craft too, but then some might say I already have! Have a great WOYWW. Julie Ann xx

  24. Love your journal page and your portraits! Hope you continue to find time to create as I'm sure it will do you good. Hope your patients get better soon! Thanks for finding time to visit me earlier. Chris46

  25. Wow your faces are wonderful, regardless of who the famous person is, she is gorgeous and I love the beautifully arched brows and your shading. Wishing your hubby a speedy recovery and I hope your mum's care improves. Happy WOYWW! Danie #25

  26. Your face pictures are fabulous. Faces are so hard to do (that's why I stay away from them) and you have done an excellent job. Men make the worst patients don't they, hope he gets better quickly so you can get back to art (he he).
    Have a great week and I'm happy to take your heat and give you our cold days.
    Von #34

  27. Hi Lynda, I suppose mess means we're busy...that's my thoughts anyway and I find most of my work doesn't end up with how it started out...great portrait anyway. Have a great day RobynO

  28. Thanks for visiting me yesterday. You are really good with oil pastels! Amazing! Uniflame - 81

  29. I'm a bit late visiting this week....I had a really manic day yesterday with my sewing. Thought I'd call in before today became the same!
    Love your artwork and really hope your family's health imrpoves very soon.
    A x # 3

  30. I love your portrait and I also know that feeling when it changes before your eyes. But having said that I am sure we just get better and better every time we create. Hope you look after yourself as well as your other loved ones.
    Sandra @69

  31. I'm glad your art helps you, it does me too and I love your quote about the humble crayon, so true! #30

  32. The art journal page looks great!! And whoever that oil painting was must be beautiful because she is a beauty!

  33. It is always a worry having elderly parents and ones that are not well. I do feel for you especially when the system isn't working. I am in love with your crayon work, I so wish I could do that.

    Thanks for visiting, unfortunately the wrong link went up this week and everyone is visiting me from 2 weeks ago LOL Thanks for popping by so nice to have you drop in too.

    Hugs Eliza & Yoda who is really 52
    Sorry I am getting back to you so late.

  34. Thank you all for dropping by, off to catch up on the ones I missed. So grateful for such encouragement - if the weather EVER cools down I might get to do some more, but certainly not today.

  35. Hi Lynda! Oh my, it seems you have your hands full. I agree that art keeps us all sane in the midst of life. I know the heat doesn't help at all either. I love your pages and I think the colored in one looks beautiful and she is who SHE is, and no one else! Take care of yourself and you can always email me if you need to vent or just visit. Hugs, Rasz #142

  36. Aw Lynda, your poor Mum. I'm reluctant to, but do agree with you about the delivery of service to 'older' people. Yep, in sickness and in health - in my house you get 24 hours of my utter devotion..after that I'm fed up!!
    I think you should consider the hot weather as a natural break - don't try to be in your arty arty mags and dare I say it, do some arty shopping..inspiration all lined up for the winter when we have no excuses!
    As today is Friday, I'm thinking of your Mum as she has appointments..hope it's a positive experience.

  37. Hi Lynda, I am sending you good thoughts. I really hope your mum gets the medical care she needs, how did her appointments go for her tday?? I think we take for granted in the states how much easier it is to see a dr when we get sick, or have long term health issues. I hope hubby feels better soon too. I was a nurse before I became disabled, my hubby ruptured his biscep and needed surgery. He needed total care for about a full week. Now I LOVE my DH, and I was working as a nurse at the time, but I had a tough time caring for my dh. Not because I don't love him, but he drove me nuts. I knew he was in pain, so I had to dig deep for patience. That must make me sound just awful. I think for better or worse, or sickness and health only meant supporting them, not putting up with their crap. See there I go again sounded like a B*tch. I really do love my hubby. Moving on… Your Art journal and your painted face are just A-M-A-ZING!!!! I am working on drawing faces lately, but not very good yet. Hopefully I'll get there. I digress… You don't want to sit and read a novel. Hoping Lynda's Life is going great!!!! (((HUGS)))
    Kimmie #145

  38. Its now Friday and I am up to desk 145, not done yours yet Kimmie, thank you very much and I totally understand.

    not got to Mums appointment as yet, will update next blog and try remember to do so next Wednesday too.

    You are all a lovely bunch of people.

  39. Lynda, hope your mum's appointments went well today, there's definitely an attitude about treating older people in some areas of the country. Shame really, these people are the backbone of our countries. Hope hubby is on the road to recovery soon too, and I hoped you got the drool off your monitor, lol!! Lovely faces, really clever. Can't guess who she is but she's beautifully done.

    Brenda 88

  40. Your pictures are beautiful - worth making a mess for! Sorry to hear about your troubles, but it's always good to have a creative outlet when you need to escape for a bit. Just remember to take care of yourself as well :o)xxx

  41. Roberta #122 here, yes your so right.. it can take a few days.. umm like Im still going through them my self and trying to find my way around. I also don't feel so bad that I see not every one has a nice neat and tindy work space. I sure don't seem to be able to do that. Thank you so much for letting me peak at your stuff.

  42. Lol, I think we crafters are quite good at making messes at more than one place. On the table, under the table, next to the table (all sides), on someone elses table, etc. Not to mention the drawers and shelves around the house...
    So sorry to hear about your mom and husband not doing too well. Wishing the best for you all, especially with the heat.
    Loving your beautiful portraits by the way. And happy belated WOYWW, thank you for visiting my desk :) Hugs, Wendy

  43. Oh no I hope your mum and husband are healing, it must be awful, and yes I understand that art keeps a lot of us sane. So many times when I have had friends or work mates going through rough times I have introduced them to crafting. How can you say your art journal is boring, it's absolutely amazing, and your drawings are awesome, utterly gorgeous and beautiful. Messy desk is good, it means you have been in a arty zone while keeping the world at bay, cleaning up can be for the boring days lol. Happy late woyww :-) Kezzy xxx

  44. Well, I may not recognize the face of the lady but I do recognize the talent it took to draw and paint her! :) I'm running so far behind this week but I wanted to return your visit and tell you thanks for stopping by my messy desk and leaving me a comment already. And congrats for making it to 100 last week...I've never managed more than 40! lol :) Deeyll

  45. Yes, indeed, the world of art and creativity is our solace when the "real" world is hard to handle. I'm so sorry your husband is poorly and your mom is suffering the invisibility of the elderly. You have your hands full, Lynda, and I hope your load is lightened soon. Your painting is amazing and all the more striking because it is "her" and not that other person! Well done with so many desk visits last week and thank you for visiting me! Happy WOYWW! Darnell #12
